Why Should You Clean Your Ducts for the Winter

October 19th, 2015 by Lisa Pixley

As any homeowner knows, dust gathers in a home a lot faster than we would like it to. Over the years, you might empty out the dust pan and dump out the vacuum cleaner bags hundreds of times, and yet there are still areas of the home that don’t get cleaned. Your air ducts deserve the same level of attention you would give any portion of your home, especially since so much of the air circulating through your home passes through the ducts.  Continue Reading

Is Your Duct Cleaning Technician a Professional?

October 5th, 2015 by Lisa Pixley

“Out of sight, out of mind” is never a good motto when it comes to your health. The dust in your home’s air ducts that you cannot see may aggravate allergies and asthma symptoms just like the dust you vacuum up from your carpet and your furniture. And over the last several years, there’s no doubt that a lot of dust and debris has gathered in your air ducts. Continue Reading

What’s That Smell Coming from the Ducts?

September 28th, 2015 by Lisa Pixley

You turn on the heating system in your home or commercial property, expecting to be greeted by a warm comforting flow of air. But all you can think about is the offputting odor coming from the vents! If it smells like gas, turn the system off immediately and call a professional. If not, read our guide to some other causes of common duct odors, and call a duct cleaning specialist in your area to find out more. Continue Reading

The Hazards of Cleaning Up Mold on Your Own

September 21st, 2015 by Lisa Pixley

For many homeowners, the first response to any sort of mess in the home is to clean it up. If you notice mold on the walls, the ceiling, or the floor, you might be tempted to take out a mop or a brush, spray some cleaner on it, and start scrubbing the floor. But here at Alpha Air Corporation we would caution anyone against this practice. We’ve listed two major reasons you should avoid cleaning up the mess on your own and call an expert for mold remediation services instead. Continue Reading

Heating Season Is Coming: Are Your Ducts Ready?

September 14th, 2015 by Lisa Pixley

The ducts in your HVAC system may seem to require little maintenance, but in many cases, ducts are full of dust and debris that could cause a lot of problems for your home and commercial property. Additionally, they could be full of leaks that lead to inefficient heating and cooling and reduced indoor air quality. Continue Reading

What to Keep in Mind When Hiring a Duct Cleaning Company

September 7th, 2015 by Lisa Pixley

Experts recommend getting your air ducts cleaned every 3 – 5 years, though this number varies depending on your needs. For the average home, this should be enough, but for an industrial or large commercial property that can accumulate dust quickly, you may need to get them cleaned more often. In any case, you’ll want to hire professional technicians for the job—who won’t try to give you less than you deserve. Here’s what you should keep in mind when looking for the right company for the job. Continue Reading

Why the Indoor Air Quality May Be Worse than the Air Outside

August 31st, 2015 by Lisa Pixley

In the last few decades, people have become much more aware of the effects they have on the environment. With each passing year, gas-guzzling vehicles are slowly phased out, as are industrial practices that drain our natural energy sources and pollute the environment. With all this focus on reducing pollution in the air we breathe outside, it’s easy to forget that your inside air may also be filled with contaminants. Continue Reading

Mold Remediation FAQ: How Does It Spread in the First Place?

August 24th, 2015 by Lisa Pixley

You try to keep your home as clean as possible, but this won’t necessarily stop one of the most harmful contaminants found indoors from spreading: mold. Unless you monitor moisture levels around the home and have complex systems inspected from time to time, it can be difficult to prevent the spread of mold since it can develop somewhat easily. Learn more in today’s guide, and call a mold remediation specialist as soon as you suspect a problem. Continue Reading

Why a Little Bit of Buildup in the Dryer Vent is Actually a Big Deal

August 17th, 2015 by Lisa Pixley

Many homeowners are unaware of the very real risk of a dryer vent fire. The lint trap is not the only place where debris can build up. The vent that leads outdoors can also gather debris and create some dangerous circumstances. Continue Reading

What’s in Your Air Ducts?

August 10th, 2015 by Lisa Pixley

If you took a flashlight and shined it through a vent in your home, you would still only be seeing a very small percentage of the total length of the ductwork in your home. You may not be able to see them, but over the years a number of contaminants are bound to build up in the home. If you own a commercial or industrial space, this buildup can be significant, and even in a smaller home, it can amount to a lot of trouble for people with allergies and asthma. Professional duct cleaning targets contaminants, big or small, throughout the ducts. Take a look at what experts remove during a typical service. Continue Reading