Why Does Fire Restoration Require a Professional?

Posted by Lisa Pixley

After a fire, it’s tough to figure out what steps are most vital in getting your life back on track. You’re ultimate goal is getting back home and returning to the way things once were. But if you go about this too quickly without the help of an expert, you may risk your safety and your family’s health.

In many situations like these, friends and family come together to help pick up the pieces. But only a fire restoration specialist knows how to tackle all of the different types of residue left behind by smoke and ensure the safety of your living space. Here are some of the reasons you should call a fire restoration expert before returning home.

  • Duct Cleaning: One of the most important parts of your home to restore after a fire is the ducts. You breathe in the air that circulates through your ducts day in and day out. And someone who is not trained in fire restoration simply does not have the tools to examine every portion of the ductwork and keep your air free of soot and smoke deposits that may not be visible to the untrained eye.
  • Insurance: Some insurance companies require that you hire a technician trained in fire restoration with the proper certifications to assess the damages and make the necessary repairs. Though everything may appear normal, your home may be at risk for sudden damages later on.
  • Safety: When a fire hits your home, you’re in a hurry to get it cleaned up. This is understandable, as a homeowner in this situation is shaken up and ready to get back to normal as soon as possible. However, someone who is anxious to clean as quickly as possible likely will not follow the proper safety procedures to ensure all hazardous materials are cleaned up and no one in the home is harmed in the process.

A professional contractor can get you back on your feet as soon as possible, and, more importantly, they can ensure that your home is a safe place to inhabit when you return. At Alpha Air Corporation, our experts only use sanitizing agents with no health risks, so that there is no toxicity or chemical residue left behind after cleanup and odors are eliminated.

For expert fire restoration services performed by trained professionals in the greater Twin Cities area, Call Us Today! 952.476.4144 or 1-866-PIXLEYS

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