What Causes Mold Growth and What Can I Do about It?

Posted by Lisa Pixley

Unfortunately, mold can grow in any area of your home, but only under the right conditions. Mold is common in areas of high moisture because mold needs moisture to survive. Mold spores are invisible to the naked eye, and tend to float through the air, but cannot grow unless they happen to land upon an area with a source of water. And mold can be very hazardous, aggravating any existing respiratory disorders when inhaled and irritating the sinuses. Some molds even produce additional toxins (called mycotoxins) that could cause severe reactions.

Any sign of mold growth in the home calls for immediate services, and mold remediation experts may be your best option for total elimination. But a good contractor will also help you figure out the source of the mold problem, which could be any of the following.

  • Leaky Pipes: Your pipes are hidden from view for aesthetic purposes and for their protection, but that makes it difficult to detect when there is a leak in the water line. A leak behind the walls or in the ceiling may not be detected until it is too late and water has already damaged the drywall. Call a mold removal specialist if this happens, and pay attention to common signs of leaking like low water pressure.
  • Flooding: After a flood, immediate cleanup is necessary to keep mold from building up in the carpets or in the basement and posing a health hazard.
  • High Humidity: Your home may have a humidity problem if there is poor ventilation or if you have no form of humidity control in the home already. Moisture can collect in the ducts, on the indoor air handler of your HVAC system, or anywhere in the home if humidity levels are your problem.

Finding a Contractor for Mold Remediation

When searching for a contractor to get rid of mold, you should find a professional who lists mold remediation as part of their services. Mold remediation goes beyond cleaning and disposing of damaged materials. A specialist will help you to find ways to prevent the mold problem from reoccurring my assessing the source of the mold.

Talk to the experts at Alpha Air Corporation and we’ll do everything we can to make sure the mold is eliminated and cannot return. Call Us Today! 952.476.4144 or 1-866-PIXLEYS

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